It is unfortunate that our politicians tend to have short memories and a myopic vision focused on self-interest. Our political parties don’t stick to their promises and only speak sense while not in power. For example, late Benazir Bhutto and Mian Nawaz Sharif, while out of power during the rule of a dictator, signed the Charter of Democracy. Through the CoD both parties agreed to follow democratic principles, do away with witch hunts and victimization, and make every effort to keep non-democratic forces away from politics of Pakistan. Unfortunately, the fate of the CoD was not different of promises made by our politicians when not in power.Despite promises to run the country in the true sense of democracy, devoid of victimization, both parties failed to live up to their words. They lost a golden opportunity to do away with the NAB law and put in place laws that are sane, humane, and fair. Alas, both parties today are crying foul and claim they are being victimized. Little do they realize that this is an outcome of their own actions. I hope and pray that the rulers of today realize this bitter truth and work toward making laws that rid the country of the vicious trap of victimization and revenge we find ourselves in today.Raja ShafaatullahIslamabad
from The News International - Newspost
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Broken promises
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