fundraiserPakistan has over 80 million children. Unfortunately, health care facilities for children are dismal in the country which are linked with several factors such as severe poverty, illiteracy, lack of knowledge, and awareness of child healthcare, singularly inadequate provision of health services, and poor infrastructure. However, NICH (National Institute of Child Health) is one institution which has been working tirelessly to give our underprivileged children basic health care facilities free of cost. In existence since 1972, NICH is Pakistan’s first children’s hospital specialising in all areas of pediatric health care. It is the largest paediatric hospital in Sindh and Baluchistan, catering to patients from as far as Southern Punjab and KPK.As an all-encompassing 500 bedded paediatric health care facility, NICH’s commitment of serving the deserving continues. But NICH is constantly in need of donations to keep up the good work and to provide free medications/treatment to patients. There are philanthropists and organisations who generously help NICH in carrying on its noble mission. Organisers with Governor Sindh Imran Ismail on the occassion.Children First The Society (CFTS) is one such society which is registered under the Societies Act of 1860 as a non-for-profit organisation and has supported hundreds of patients by providing free treatment, medical supplies, machines and equipment to the ICU Ward at the National Institute of Child Health Karachi for the past 14years in collaboration with the hospital’s management. After successfully completing the rebuilding of 13 bed ward at a significant cost, which had not been renovated since 1972, CFTS has provided the latest equipment, additional doctors and nurses, medical supplies and also arranged for prescribed maintenance of the equipment and overall upkeep of the ward to ensure that it meets the standards of any high quality hospital in Pakistan or anywhere else in the world. As the costs for maintenance are high CFTS recently organised a fundraiser in Karachi. The highlight of the evening was the live performance of Dubai-based singer-songwriter - Layla Kardan. It was a visual treat for the Karichiites to enjoy the singing of very charming and energetic Layla. She enthralled the audiences with her melodic voice and by presenting some old English songs like ‘Killing me Softly’; ‘Stand by me’; ‘Sway with Me’ etc.The organisers of CFTS also thanked its main sponsors - Shiffa Skin Care Dubai, Habib Metro, Nuplex, Hilton Pharma, Bank Al-Falah, Jubilee Life Insurance and Moltyfoam along with other sponsors - as without their support this fundraiser would not have been a success. The event was well attended by the prominent personalities of Karachi who enjoyed a cheerful evening organised for a good cause. -You! desk
from The News International - You
Monday, November 18, 2019
For a good cause
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