This refers to the editorial 'Union ban' (October 8), which suggested lifting of the union ban as it helps produce future leaders. There was a time when there were many unions throughout Pakistan in almost all the institutions. With the passage of time unions assumed the role of political branches due to patronisation by various political parties that resulted in the ban. Display of firearms became a fashion that resulted in deaths of innocent students.The sanity that prevailed before the imposition of the union ban has been a glorious period of our history; that culture has been destroyed completely. These days even in the presence of law-enforcement agencies in the universities, we hear about blood clashes. It is true that Pakistan badly needs to develop a culture of tolerance and acceptance of different views but in a country where leaders are highly intolerant lifting the union ban is not advisable because as a nation we are now beyond repair.Mukhtar AhmedKarachi
from The News International - Newspost
Friday, November 8, 2019
Union ban
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