This refers to the news story, ‘CM calls for attractive salary packages for government employees’ (Nov 22). During the early 2000, salaries in the private sector were better than those of government employees. But the situation has dramatically changed during the last 10-12 years. Since 2008, federal and provincial governments have been implementing an annual salary raise, mostly in double digits, for their employees to cover inflation. Government employees also get reasonable pension that is revised every year. While the government cares so much, employee productivity has not seen improvement and is falling.The economic down slide, poor governance and mismanagement have stifled economic expansion. The employment market is oversupplied. Owing to low demand, real wages in the private sector have reduced. Weaker rupee and inflation have taken a toll. Pension is not available to the majority of employees in the private sector. There is no mechanism to compensate the employees for inflation. The bottom line is that the private sector and its salaries have moved in the opposite direction. Suggesting higher salaries for government employees with declining productivity does not make economic sense.Arif MajeedKarachi
from The News International - Newspost
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Salary down
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