Inefficiency and corruption rule the police. The overall performance of the police has touched the lowest ebb with hardly any interest being shown by the government or by the department itself to arrest the rot first and then take steps to revive the actual spirit of policing. It may sound harsh and a sweeping statement but unfortunately it is true. Gone are the days when the corrupt or dishonest police officers used to get immediately spotted and marked, and would be described as the ‘black sheep’ of the department by their own brethren in uniform. Now when we find an honest and upright officer we immediately start eulogizing him despite the fact that he (or she) is not doing anything extraordinary but only performing their duties with a noticeable level of honesty and dedication. Police officials do not meet the standard of efficiency required of them.The situation has created disgruntled elements in the force as they feel that they are not being awarded and rewarded for their good work while looking helplessly at their colleagues with shady and questionable service records being patronised because of political influence and clout they have. We are in dire need of officers who never compromise on principals, astutely confront political pressure and bring about a change in the force. Those who nurture and groom teams of honest, dedicated and upright police officers.Syed Shaheer AhmedKarachi
from The News International - Newspost
Monday, April 29, 2019
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