Rafay Rashdi’s upcoming web series Baadshah Begum that is written by Saji Gul and will be produced under the banner of Rafay Rashdi Productions will soon go on floors. While some prominent actors, such as Iman Ali, Faysal Qureshi and Mohsin Abbas Haider, have signed on for key roles in the series, the latest addition to the team is director Umer Adil of Chalay Thay Saath fame. Producer of the project, Rafay Rashdi took to social media to share the news.“[Baadshah Begum] to be directed by the wonderful, humble, talented but, above all, creative filmmaker Umer Adil; I welcome you on board,” he posted, adding that he is proud to announce this news and is looking forward to the journey.“There were rumors that I would direct [the series] myself but no. It had to be passed on to someone with similar or more experience, and maybe someone who would own the project, as much as I and my team mates, and would dive into the most important part, i.e. content, which many of us don’t,” he added.Baadshah Begum follows the story of siblings’ rivalry and their desire for power and is expected to release next year.
from The News International - Instep Today http://bit.ly/2GK7naf
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