Friday, January 11, 2019

Jhaanjar Di Paanwaan Chankaar returns to Islamabad

After having successful runs in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi in 2018, Sarmad Khoosat’s Jhaanjar Di Paanwaan Chankaar (The Sound of my Anklet’s Bells), a theatrical play is all set to return to Islamabad on January 19, 2019.Sarmad Khoosat, who co-directed the theatrical production and also starred in it, will be reprising his role as the upcoming actor Zaman. He is someone who doesn’t conform to gender norms.The play is co-directed by Kanwal Khoosat and features Zain Afzal, Samiya Mumtaz and Iman Shahid in key roles.According to actor Zain Afzal, who essayed the character of Hamza, a visually impaired person and an aspiring musician, there was a lot of demand for the play as many people in Islamabad did not get to watch it. “Last time we did two days in Islamabad, this time we are going to do two more days,” he shared and added that the response was absolutely fantastic the last three times (Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi). He further stated that not only will the play return to Islamabad but will also be staged in Multan and Faisalabad.

from The News International - Instep Today

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