Young Pakistani researchers are as precious as diamonds, and we just need to polish them a little bit to get the maximum benefits from them, as they are equally talented and skilful as the country’s other, more developed researchers, said noted nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan.“The students who are planning to go abroad for studies should remember that their prime job is to get advanced education and knowledge. They must spend more time learning from teachers and their laboratory experiences rather than talking about politics or religion during their stay in foreign lands.“Once you get your degree, work for a while to get some experience, and come back to your motherland and serve her. Whatever you study, it must be practically applied for the betterment of society and the masses.“Otherwise, it is not worth much, as our beloved country needs hard-working and dedicated youngsters to come forward and lead from the front so that Pakistan can become a part of the developed nations.”Dr Khan, Fakhar-e-Pakistan, expressed these views as the chief guest of a certificate distribution ceremony of the third oral presentation competition for MPhil and PhD students of the Dr AQ Khan Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE), University of Karachi. The event was held at KIBGE’s Jinnah Auditorium.“I did my PhD around 48 years ago, but I’m still writing research and technical papers; I have engaged myself for the promotion of the education and health sectors; I want to establish a useful research and development culture in the country,” said Dr Khan.He said that students must focus on the fact that their educational years are actually their grooming phase; if they study with determination, they will not be worried in the future, as hard-working and skilful persons always remain on the top.“It’s so unfortunate that our government employees don’t perform their duty well. Being a government servant does not mean that you go to the office for relaxation; it is about a service that should be performed with heart and dedication, aimed at facilitating the people.”Dr Khan observed that KIBGE, which was initiated some 20 years ago, is doing very well and gives a lot of satisfaction to him, as this institute has been producing the best minds since its establishment.Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan said on the occasion that Dr Khan has done a lot for the country and its people. “After the Founder of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mohsin-e-Pakistan Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan is truly our national hero.”He said that when the Indian government tested their atomic technology, they were over the moon, as it was successful and they thought that now they would be able to achieve the desired results.However, he added, it was Dr Khan who destroyed their dreams by promptly handing over the tools and technology to the then Pakistani government to conduct an underground test in Chaghi, Balochistan in response to the test conducted by the then Indian administration.Senator Khan said that due to Pakistan’s successful test, the Indian government and its citizens were as shocked as the rest of the world, as they were not expecting us to become a nuclear power in the face of a number of sanctions imposed by the world’s superpowers and other countries.“Our armed forces are one of the best in the world, and they have achieved this position due to their abilities and nuclear technology provided by Dr AQ Khan. Pakistan has also a unique identity among all the 54 Muslim states.”The senator said that he is working on a project to establish a modern laboratory that will work only in the domain of research and development. He said that a committee has been formed to devise the working conditions. He requested Dr Khan to be a part of it so that they could get the maximum advantages due to his experience and presence.“We always talk about the relationship between the academia and industries, and why it’s important, but the fact is that we never practically tried to create a bridge between the two.“The proposed laboratory will work on bringing the academia and industries closer so that the maximum benefit can be achieved in the greater interest of the nation, as the project is aimed at boosting the economy and social values of Pakistan.”KU Faculty of Science Dean Prof Dr Tabassum Mahboob said that all the presenters and young researchers had established themselves scientifically and technically on a par with any other similar forum.She said that KIBGE is providing active opportunity to all the students and researchers to practise and polish their scientific, research and presentation skills, with effective participation of experts from a variety of modern biological sciences, like biotechnology, molecular biology and bioinformatics.Aqeel Ahmed, one of the judges of the third oral presentation competition for MPhil and PhD students of KIBGE, said that it was quite difficult to evaluate the students because most of them had almost equal marks.The difference among their marks, he added, was marginal and that was why the judges decided to award a joint second position rather than announcing separate second and third positions. Hiba Saleem clinched the first position, while Omiyya Abdali and Kulsoom Bibi were declared second.Earlier, KIBGE Director General Prof Dr Abid Azhar had said that this institute provides equal opportunity to students across the country. He had also expressed his pride that its students are performing extraordinarily around the world.
from The News International - Karachi
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