Sunday, February 24, 2019

Siraj seeks world help to stop HR violations in Held Kashmir

LAHORE: Jamaat–e-Islami Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has condemned the large-scale arrests of JI leadership in Indian-Held Kashmir and demanded the world community and Amnesty International that gross human rights violations by Indian army and unlawful detentions of Kashmiri leaders be stopped.In a statement on Saturday, he said Kashmiris had been the target of Indian state terrorism for the last seven decades as 0.8million Indian troops in Held Kashmir were massacring the Kashmiris and perpetrating all types of inhuman torture to crush their freedom movement.The Hurriyat leaders have been detained and put into torture cells to force them to give up their demand for liberation, he added.He said the Indian troops were violating the sanctity of the households by forcibly entering the houses of Kashmiris, besides torturing the women and children of Kashmirs.Sirajul Haq said Kashmiris did not want to live with India and had been continuing their liberation movement for the last three decades.They were making the sacrifices of life, honour and property for their just cause.He said India wanted to link the Kashsmiris liberation movement with terrorism although this was purely liberation movement of the Kashmiris.He said that New Delhi had always been putting false allegations on Pakistan in connection with the events in India without any basis.Sirajul Haq also called upon the Pakistani government to convene an emergency meeting of the OIC. He added the Muslim states should jointly pressurise the UN Security Council to take immediate measures to stop the killings in Held Kashmir.Meanwhile, Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Senator Sirjaul Haq, Secretary General Liaqat Baloch and other JI leaders have expressed grief over the demise of scholar and teacher of Jamia Ashrafia Qari Fazal Elahi.In a statement on Saturday, the JI leaders said Qari Fazal Elahi had devoted all his life for the propagation of Islamic teachings.Qari Fazal Elahi was the teacher of scores of prominent Ulema and thousands of Huffaz-e-Quran. They offered prayers for the departed soul and extended condolences to the bereaved family.

from The News International - Peshawar

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