LONDON: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is an extremist party that is ruling India, said Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan.“BJP is not only against Pakistan and Kashmiris, it also has launched a movement against the Muslims living in India,” said the AJK president, talking to media after addressing a conference on Kashmir issue. “Hence, we can’t pin hopes on it.” It is the need of the hour to mobilize the Pakistani youth in Britian in connection with the Kashmir issue, said social leader Raja Allah Ditta, Dr Anjum Gardezi and other speakers, addressing the conference. We need to keep our youth fully informed about the Kashmir issue so that they highlight it on an international level. President Masood Khan now has created a catalyst to a movement where younger people will carry on the baton on the issue of Kashmir, said one of the speakers. The event was for the younger people to speak directly to the president as to what tools they require for the campaign, another speaker said. This is an issue about the human rights, it is not specifically about Pakistan or Kashmir, a speaker said. The event was convened for the younger generation to know as to how they can highlight the Kashmir issue, a participant said. Most important thing is that our young generation knows what is going around so that they can play their role, a speaker said. The AJK president was a chief guest in another event – the Kashmir Youth and Women Conference at the British parliament. The event was organized by shadow minister Afzal Khan and Tehreek-e-Kashmir (TeK) UK. MPs, students of college and universities, and community leaders attended the conference in large number. Women and youth should become a vital part of the efforts for Kashmir issue, said the AJK president. We need to call upon the international community to play its role in resolution of this issue of fundamental human rights, said Abdul Rashid Turrabi, former Jamaat-e-Islami AJK Ameer. The Indian government has empowered its military to subject the Kashmiri people to torture, said a participant. The military won’t be held accountable for whatever atrocities they commit to the people, she said.
from The News International - National
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Youth need be mobilized to highlight Kashmir issue globally: AJK president
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