Thursday, April 11, 2019

Your daily Horoscope for Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What kind of day will you have today? Read our horoscope...ARIES(March 21-April 19)It's time to get back in touch with your pioneering spirit! After a long period of recommending that you play it safe, stick to familiar territory and stay close to home, the stars are finally saying that it's time for you to get out and about. This is an auspicious time for travel, because you're in a very flexible phase and ready to explore different cultures and new ways of doing things. Why not pick a spot on the map and start planning a nice long visit?TAURUS(April 20-May 20)Every little thing you do is magic today, so expect plenty of accolades and curtain calls. And make sure you look your best when you're in the spotlight—investing in some new clothes is an excellent idea, but you should shop around to find the deals you deserve. Bargain-hunting will be a fun game—and it's one that you are getting more and more skilled at! Your profile is about to be raised to a whole new level, and you are ready for absolutely anything.GEMINI(May 21-June 20)Choosing between two desirable things is much more difficult than choosing between a good thing and a bad thing. (And obvious choices are often boring choices.) So if you are facing a tough decision today, take the advice of your friends and associates. They might not be able to give you a definitive answer, but they will certainly be able to help you feel good about the fact that there really is no such thing as a bad decision in this situation.CANCER(June 21-July 22) You can't always rely on your improvisational skills to keep you afloat in social situations. You need to do your research! Prepare for an upcoming party or outing by learning some details about the other guests. Find out what their interests, likes and dislikes are (you may discover something that will help you do some subtle matchmaking!). This background knowledge will enable you to carry on more enjoyable conversations that will build real connections.LEO(July 23-Aug. 22) You should start welcoming many different opinions into your life today. You've been yearning to broaden your horizons, and exposing yourself to new things is the best way to achieve that. Feed your brain, and experience new ideas. Go to a part of town you've never visited, try a type of food you've never eaten before, or just pick up a magazine about something that intrigues you. It's time to open yourself up to a new hobby or interest—or maybe even a new career.VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Many people make the big mistake of deriving a sense of purpose from someone else. Are you preventing yourself from moving forward in your life because you're waiting for someone else's approval? It's time to kick into an 'I don't care' mode of thinking if you want to regain a sense of being in charge of your life. You don't have to be rude, but you also don't have to get anyone's permission to do what you think is right.LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)If someone needs to hear the cold, hard truth, a one-on-one conversation is required. Show people the respect they deserve. Resist the urge to deliver negative news in a lazy way today. Sending an email, a text message or even a card will add salt to whatever wound your words might inflict. A face-to-face conversation enables you to answer their questions and explain yourself completely. It's the only way to make something positive out of the situation.SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)You have been acting so selflessly lately that many people are wondering what kind of medal you're competing for. But they're just jealous that they can't do the things that you are capable of. So don't let their jealousy or silly comments prevent you from helping other people in the way that you want to. You are getting great satisfaction from affecting other people's lives, so keep doing it as long as you enjoy it. When it starts to feel like work, then you can take a well-deserved break.SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)Your mood will be fairly unpredictable today, but you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping it under control. Your sense of who you are and how you function is right on target—so trust it. Listen to yourself when you get that 'I want to be alone' feeling. You know yourself better than ever, which means that you know what will set you off. Watch out for people exhibiting annoying childishness or pettiness—you will have little patience for them today.CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)You have absolutely nothing to worry about right now—so what's with the furrowed brow? Set all of your concerns aside today, because this cloud of good fortune you're floating on isn't about to disappear anytime soon! Just kick back, relax and know that your current plans will bring positive results. It's almost as if your life is on autopilot right now, so you can enjoy a few more social nights in the near future. This is a great time for parties.AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Something that someone says today will leave you stunned. You'll see a side of this person that you've never seen before, and getting used to it may take a while. Give yourself time to work through this situation—go at a pace that makes you feel comfortable. You don't have to rush to decide how this new revelation makes you feel. You should be honored that this person trusted you enough to be so honest, but you don't owe her or him anything.PISCES(Feb. 19-Mar 20)This is a great day for action but not such a great day for deep thinking. Your brain is excellent at coming up with new schemes and plans right now, but maybe not so hot at understanding complex ideas or calculations. Mental absorption is not going to be your forte today, so it's not a great day for lectures or convoluted foreign films. You won't have the patience. Social activities are a much better option for your energy today. So get out and stir up some new adventures.

from The News International - MISC

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