Sunday, April 21, 2019

Waiting for an apology

While in opposition PTI leaders used to castigate the government for the economic woes of the country. They used to regularly tell the nation that if the PTI were voted to power it would have a capable economic team which would quickly turn around the economy and bring prosperity in the lives of the people. However nine months back, when the PTI did come into power, it soon became apparent that the rulers neither had the capability nor any plan to revive the economy. Consequently, all key indicators started slipping – be it GDP growth, inflation, revenue collection, or fiscal deficit etc.All notable independent economic experts kept telling the government of impending dangers due to wrong policies and economic mismanagement. But the PTI leaders, and in particular former finance minister Asad Umar, paid no heed and instead kept painting a rosy picture and asserting that the economy was on track. Whenever the finance minister was confronted, instead of consoling the people, he would make fun of them by saying that the worst was still to come. Now that the finance minister has resigned, it is clear that all the apprehensions about the state of the economy were absolutely correct. The nation would like to know why it has been made to suffer due to the economic mess created by Asad Umar. Will he now at least apologise to the people of Pakistan?Javed HussainRawalpindi

from The News International - Newspost

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