Monday, April 29, 2019

People are talking about —

-- the behaviour of parliamentarians while the assembly is in session and how it is compared to a fish market. People say while unruly behaviour does take place in parliaments all over the world, it is becoming the norm in Pakistan as the opposition has vowed to give a ‘tough time’ to the ruling party but parliamentarians should remember that they have been elected to solve the problems of those who voted for them and not to bicker with each other in a petty manner.-- the shocking news that thousands of families have refused to let their children be administered with polio drops and how damaging this is both for the children and the country. People say this is the result of false propaganda by vested interests who care more for personal gain and ‘getting back’ at each other than they do for the general public and how this irresponsible behaviour will result in a growing population of persons disabled by the dreadful disease.-- the silly controversy about the protocol given to the Prime Minister on his arrival in China for the Belt and Road Summit how the opposition has chosen to ridicule this arrangement and give the wrong impression. People say the same kind of protocol was accorded to all visiting dignitaries and to point it out in this manner does not say much about the level of thinking of some politicians while the hosts will probably ‘not be amused,’ as they say.-- the mindboggling revelation made in a report that doctors are using the C section method while delivering a baby rather than letting women go through the natural birth process because of the money they earn. Because they can handle over a dozen operations in a day, while only five to six natural deliveries can be taken care of in the same time, more and more doctors are recommending expensive C section deliveries and mothers-to-be are accepting the option.-- the blatant twofold menace of leaked papers and cheating that goes on during examinations and the puzzling fact that these examinations are not declared null and void by the authorities. People say while it should be kept in mind that the students who are diligent and do not cheat also suffer the consequences as it is not fair to them to allow cheating and the authorities should have the courage to act firmly in centres where it takes place.-- the wonderful initiative taken by the persons who have begun a ‘Karavan Karachi’ movement to bring back the glory of the city and highlight its cultural heritage, beginning by cleaning up its beautiful buildings. People say while this restoration may have been ordered by the Supreme Court, it is heartening that the Heritage Foundation of Pakistan is attracting volunteers who are happy to be part of the effort because they are proud of their city and its heritage.-- the fact that talented students of areas around Saindak in Baluchistan are compelled to quit their studies because of lack of resources for higher education and how a foreign company who was given the lease to mine in the area can help solve the problem by giving scholarships. People say according to statistics, along with copper, gold and silver are also found in the area, so it would be fitting for the company to give back some of the wealth to the local community. – I.H.

from The News International - Islamabad

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