Monday, April 29, 2019

Past, present and future

Our rulers make promises that are not meant to be kept. Children died in Thar due to malnutrition and the Baldia Town incident occurred in Karachi claiming 300 lives for want of firefighting arrangements and non-availability of emergency gates. The government promised to pay compensation to the families of the victims. They are still waiting for compensation. Heatwaves too took many lives, but the then chief minister said it was an act of God, which he could not do anything about. After the 2018 elections, promises were again made to provide necessities of life and protect the life and property of citizens.The Thar Coal Power Plant added 330 MW to the national grid and a promise was made to open a university in Thar. It is however a mystery whether there are enough schools and colleges in the Thar region to feed a university. The Muslim League ruled Punjab for a long time but little was done for preservation of water, and for health and education. Now we have a new party in power facing a crisis but unwilling to take a new path. They are blaming everything on past governments with little or no action to fix the problem. Let us hope and pray that they realise sooner than later that they have to take tough decisions, get rid of practices of the past and work hard for prosperity.Raja ShafaatullahIslamabad

from The News International - Newspost

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