Commenting on the package worth Rs162 billion for Karachi’s development announced on Saturday by Prime Minister Imran Khan during his visit to the city, Karachi Mayor Wasim Akhtar has said many problems of Karachi would be addressed through the PM’s package; however, Rs162 billion was still not enough to resolve all the issues of Karachi.Lauding the PM for announcing hundreds of billions of rupees’ funds for the city, the mayor, while speaking to media persons at Bagh Ibne Qasim on Saturday night, said the funds would help start development projects in the city.The mayor was of the view that the federal government should have taken the Sindh government into confidence regarding the development package as the implementation of the package would not be possible without the participation of the provincial government. He, however, maintained that the federal government should not be criticised for providing money for the development of Sindh.According to Akhtar, the sole aim of all the stakeholders should be Sindh’s development and no one should have any problem with the efforts made for the resolution of the issues of the Sindhi’s people.Regarding Bagh Ibne Qasim, which was inaugurated by the PM on Saturday after its renovation, the mayor said entry to the park will be free for the citizens and it will remain open till 11 pm.The elected representatives of the city have given a gift to its residents in the shape of a beautiful park, he remarked. Akhtar said the park was situated near the sea due to which its visitors would get respite from heat during summer as the breeze blew constantly there. He added that the people of Karachi had after a long time got some good recreational place.The PM’s visit to Karachi also made evident the ongoing frictions between the federal and provincial governments as the Sindh government complained that its dignitaries were not invited at any event attended by the PM.When asked about the Centre not having the provincial government on board during the PM’s visit, Sindh Minister for Local Government Saeed Ghani told The News that such action on the part of the federal government showed its lack of good judgment. The PM has damaged his public perception, Ghani remarked.
from The News International - Karachi
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