Sunday, April 7, 2019

Better vision needed

There is a broad consensus that nations cannot progress without vision. It has been seven months now since Imran Khan and his party came into power but unfortunately things are moving in the opposite dimension. Chaos in the political system, lack in economic growth and productivity, fall in mass participation, enabling environment for businesses and high nodes of inflation raise serious questions over Imran’s key policies and vision. On the other side, we cannot deny the fact that he trying hard to open paths for his people, strengthening bilateral relations with friendly allies, investing and inaugurating new schemes in various public, health and education sectors and dealing with the economic death trap. But still, the country is falling behind. I believe Imran Khan needs to look deeper into the internal policies as it is not an easy thing to do especially when you have such an economic burden. In my opinion, Pakistan needs friendly policies so people can feel confident to cooperate with the system. Otherwise, it will be very hard for PM Imran Khan and his team to put the country on the path of development, progress, and prosperity.Syed Hamza AhmedConnecticut, USA

from The News International - Newspost

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