new year resolutionNew Year is a time when we usually start thinking about our lives, what we have accomplished and what is good or bad about it. We start making resolutions to help us become better at various aspects of our lives. So, with 2018 being over, it is time to think of the ways to make a fresh start. Here are some tips that can be useful and inspirational for starting a brand new chapter of your life...Love yourselfSelf care besides being very important for our well-being gives us the ability to become the best version of ourselves. Having some ‘me time’ is crucial but the perfect time to start is the beginning of the New Year. Obviously, different individuals are inspired by different things, therefore, there is no simple recipe for how to improve yourself; the inspiration must come from within. For me, sometimes reading more, educating through the actions you take or gaining experience through travelling are the best ways to become a satisfied and educated individual. Aspire to be a good listener, a good observer in order to build a better you... Don’t contain your wanderlustIt is true that investing in yourself means investing in things that make you happy. Travel is the perfect catalyst for happiness since it allows you to experience many wonders of the faraway places. It is also a great way to build confidence and gain extraordinary experiences. Learning more about the places you visit and dealing with unexpected situations make you learn more about yourself, especially if you extend your stay or choose some of the volunteering options. So promise yourself a much-needed trip. Start saving and plan a getaway (alone or with friends) to exotic places to fill your life with wonderful travel memories that will inspire you! So grab your bags and hit the road!No more negativity!Distract yourself from negativity. Opt for things that make you feel relaxed and try minimising stressful situations since they can and will affect your health. Recognise burnout before you burn out and put yourself first. It doesn’t mean that you are being narcissistic; it means that you are changing your life for the better to become the real you! It is about time to start showing yourself more love and respect in 2018 to become more confident! The more confidence you have, the more energised and motivated you will feel! Surround your home with things that will inspire healthy habits and break bad ones. Don’t be afraid to break a toxic relationship or a bad friendship. Think positive to become more satisfied with your personality and become truly happy.Invite randomness into your lifeSurprises that come from randomness will boost you to look at old things in new ways, and can infuse your life with little bursts of inspiration. Here are a few ideas:Get lost in your own town. When I was little, my parents would drive me around the city and invite me to decide which direction the car would travel. At every intersection I would holler out, “left,” “right,” or “straight ahead,” and before you knew it we would be “lost.” So much fun! Invite a child to get “lost” with you, give yourselves a time limit (or not!), and see where you end up. Document the journey with photos of your destination. Open up a cookbook at random. Make the dish that you see on that page. Close your eyes and pull three markers from a box. Colour only with those markers for one week. Go to an art museum with a notepad. Look at art and come up with your own titles for the pieces. Create a running list of titles. When you get home, make doodles that represent each of these titles. The doodles do not have to replicate the original artwork.Say yes more oftenIf in the past you feel like you have missed many opportunities due to hesitation, make sure to set a goal of saying ‘Yes’ more often. While being cautious is one of the key elements for survival in the real world, saying yes to opportunities and taking risks can open new doors! So change up your move and just say yes next time an opportunity comes up.Talk talk talk!While it is great to spend more time with family, it is also important not to neglect your friends. So, if you feel like you have lost touch with valuable buddies over the years, it is never too late to get back into contact! In addition you can always expand your inner circle by connecting with new people and learn about them. New friendships are always beneficial! They can open up your eyes to the world and change your perception on everything.
from The News International - You
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Welcoming a new approach in 2019
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