Sunday, January 6, 2019


I am in love with my class fellowSalam Guru, I love your way of solving problems. I am a 16-year-old girl and am a student of O levels. I study in co-education. I am from a broken family. My parents got divorced three years back and I live with my father and my younger brother who is 14 years old. My father is quite well-off and live comfortably. We have two maids who look after the house. Guru, I really like my class fellow, F. He is an outstanding student and a very good looking guy. I got into a relationship with him a few months back and we are both sincere with each other. The problem is that my younger brother got to know about it. Though he hasn’t said anything yet, I am afraid that he might tell my dad. I don’t know if it’s right for a person of my age to experience such feelings or not, but I know it isn’t a crush and I truly love him. I miss my mother and wish she was with us, as she would have guided me. I don’t know what to do. Should I talk to my brother or should I tell my dad about him? Please help me out. Girl in LoveDear Girl in Love, I can understand your problem. Children from broken families usually face different kind of problems. 16 is a very tender age to get into a commitment. I am not saying that your feelings aren’t strong enough but the fact is that you are going through a stage of puppy love and, my dear, you are at an age where you should enjoy life instead of being entangled in matters of love. So, it’s better to treat F more as a friend than a boyfriend. As far as your brother is concerned, I think you should talk to him frankly about F. Tell him he is just a friend and there is nothing “romantic” going on between him and you. Right now, there is no point telling your father about F. He trusts you and if you tell him about F, he may get hurt. So it’s better to end this relationship before he gets to know about it. And in any case, you both are too young to indulge in a serious relationship or commitment, so just focus on your studies and limit this relationship to friendship only. Good luck! My father is very strict in money matters Dear Guru,My Friday is not complete without reading Us magazine and I read your column with great interest. I am a 17-year-old boy. I am in O levels and I would like to discuss with you a problem which is related to my family. I belong to a middle-class family. My mother is very caring and loving but my father is very strict, especially in matters of money. He often tells me stuff to do and in lieu of that work he promises to buy gifts for me like videogames and mobile. But he never honours his words and gives me nothing. When I try to remind him of his commitment he just ignores me, and when I insist he scolds me. My pocket money is also very meagre. If I want to treat my friends, I have to ask my father for extra money. Every time he gives me money, he delivers a big lecture on spending wisely. Guru, I know my father works very hard and takes care of our needs but, at the same time, he is very calculating. It has become very difficult for me to deal with my stingy father. He also keeps a vigilant eye on my activities. I am sick and tired of his strictness. What to do?Irritated SonDear Irritated Son,My dear, stop thinking negatively about your father; he is not your enemy, but your well wisher. As a responsible father he takes care of all your needs. Since you are not mature, he has to keep an eye on your activities, which all parents do. Of course he cannot give you a free hand to do whatever you like. You can lead your life according to your choice once you finish your studies and become financially independent. As long as you live with your father, you have to obey his rules and you have to pay him respect. So what if you do some work for him? You should not be greedy and expect a gift every time you do something for your father. That’s being selfish on your part. Your father is not a miser. He is a sensible person who does not want you to get spoiled. Try to communicate with him in a friendly manner. You have no idea how precious fathers are. Good luck!Kindly send your problems at:

from The News International - US

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