Marking Hamza Ali Abbasi’s return to television after Mann Mayal (2016), upcoming drama serial Alif has become the talk of the town lately. With the drama scheduled to go on-air on October 5 (Saturday), several teasers have been released, creating a lot of buzz on social media.Featuring Sajal Aly, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Manzar Sehbai, Ahsan Khan and Kubra Khan in principal roles, Alif has set high expectations for fans who are eagerly waiting for it to launch.“Alif looks amazing. I have no words to explain but it is too good. Everything is so on point – acting, cinematography, dialogues and OST. I’m telling you that this is going to be the biggest blockbuster,” a fan posted on Twitter.Another tweet praising the effort stated, “I want to appreciate Alif, its content, the cinematography, the performances, the dialogues but I’m at loss of words. It’s just so difficult to gather words to describe how amazing and perfect everything is.”If we go by the teasers, the drama certainly looks like a treat for viewers due to some brilliant performances, powerful dialogues, a strong OST, and breathtaking shots. Alif follows the journey of a slew of people as they evolve over the course of the narrative. Qalb e Momin – played by Hamza – is a leading filmmaker who is self obsessed and takes pride in the fact that he is a powerful figure in the film fraternity and beyond. However, he transitions through the drama and begins to realize the true meaning of life. His grandfather, essayed by Manzar Sehbai, who is a calligrapher, never misses a chance to knock some sense into him.Momina, essayed by Sajal Aly, is an aspiring actor who struggles to make both ends meet and save the life of her ailing younger brother; he needs a liver transplant. She wants to succeed as an actress but not at the expense of her integrity. This seems to be the major conflict/difference between Momina and Qalb e Momin as the two cross paths.Ahsan Khan as Taha and Kubra Khan as Husn e Jahan, playing Hamza’s parents in the project, bring forth a delightful love story of their times. However, there is a twist to it too. Manzar Sehbai is another major highlight of Alif and fans are excited to watch him on the small screen as Hamza’s grandfather. “I’m so happy that Qalb e Momin’s dada is played by Manzar Sehbai Sahab. Don’t get me wrong but I wanted it to be played by someone not seen otherwise on TV screens and not by day to day actors we see. And it’s quite evident that he’s nailing every inch of his role,” a fan tweeted.We aren’t sure if Alif, directed by Haseeb Hassan and co-produced by Sana Shahnawaz, will be available on YouTube or not but viewers have already started requesting for its presence on YouTube.Let’s wait and see if the drama manages to live up to all the hype and expectations preceding it.
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