MANSEHRA: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) central vice-president Sardar Mohammad Yousaf on Tuesday said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has miserably failed to steer the country out of current morass.“The country has been passing through a critical juncture of its history as inflation is very high and economy is on the verge of collapse,” Yousaf told a reception hosted in his honour after becoming the central vice-president of PML-N in Balakot.Sardar Yousaf, who is an MPA of his party and former federal minister, said that the people had been adversely affectedbecause of imposition of various taxes and duties. “I was offered ministries both in federal and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government before elections if my group contested the polls independently but I preferred to stay in PML-N and contested election on its ticket,” he claimed. The PML-N leader said his party has agreed in principle to support Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman in his Azadi March.
from The News International - Peshawar
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