Actor and director Shamoon Abbasi’s film Durj, that revolves around the theme of cannibalism and is based on real-life events, finally released last weekend after initially being banned. With a few cuts, the film saw the light of day on October 25 and released alongside Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar’s cross-border love story, Kaaf Kangna. Unfortunately, none of the two films are doing too well at the box office.Recently, Shamoon Abbasi took to social media and responded to the criticism that his directorial venture has been receiving. “Comparing Durj with a high budgeted movie financed by the forces or big producers is not fair anyway,” Shamoon wrote on his official Twitter handle, adding that Durj is probably the most low-budgeted movie made as an experiment in Pakistan, just to show that we all can make movies and we don’t need crores to be in the cinemas.In another tweet, the actor and director shared that they have been receiving amazing response for Durj in Pakistan. “We are proud that the film is doing well, a film like this making its way into the hearts of Pakistani viewers is all we wanted, it was never a race of numbers for me,” he furthered.Shamoon clarified that the version of the film running in Pakistani cinemas is censored and more than four minutes of the scenes have been taken out from the film, which were the essence of Durj. He however has promised his fans that an uncut version will be available soon.
from The News International - Instep Today
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
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» Shamoon Abbasi refutes to compare Durj with a high budgeted movie
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