Friday, September 20, 2019

A dress code

An order was issued in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa instructing the female students of government educational institutions to wear the veil; the notice was withdrawn within a few hours following widespread public criticism. On the one hand it’s a positive sign that the provincial government took the outrage seriously and retracted the notice. On the other hand, it shows immaturity in decision-making by the authorities concerned. The fact is that women are equally subjected to harassment and sexual assault irrespective of what they wear. The best way to control those harassing the female population is to suggest exemplary punishments.The recent surge in sexual assault as reported in the media mostly involves young boys, of varying ages, so why not suggest a dress code for men too? The incidents of Kasur and all over the country are a wake-up call for the people of Pakistan. The solution doesn’t lie in suggesting a dress code and that too for just one segment of society, but in making and implementing strict laws for all such crimes applicable to all irrespective of gender or class.Aamir AqilLahore

from The News International - Newspost

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