Drama serial Surkh Chandni, which was written by acclaimed writer Asma Nabeel and featured Sohai Ali Abro, Osman Khalid Butt, Asad Siddiqui and Mansha Pasha in key roles, came to an end recently. In the serial, Sohai Ali Abro brilliantly portrayed the character of Aida, an acid attack survivor.After the season finale of Surkh Chandni was aired earlier this week, the Motorcycle Girl star took to social media to bid adieu to the serial by penning a heartfelt note.“Behind every scar there is a story of survival and strength is what we gain from the madness that we survive,” wrote Sohai on her Instagram handle.“Surkh Chandni has been one of the most exhilarating, one of the most creatively fulfilling yet devastating experiences for me and Aida has definitely been the most difficult character I’ve ever had to play. I have lived with this character for almost a year now and writing this post and bidding farewell to a play and a character so close to my heart feels overwhelming. It’s hard to let go,” she added.The actress further went on to thank Aida for teaching her what survival actually means and for teaching her what true strength, resilience, courage and bravery really is. “Thank you for telling me that the pain is real but so is hope. Thank you for showing me that God never allows pain without a purpose and sometimes you have to die just a little bit inside before you truly understand how to live,” she stated further.In the end, Sohai Ali Abro expressed her gratitude towards the creators of this project, including the writer, producer(s) and director, for taking up such a sensitive and brave subject. “Thank you for giving me Aida and trusting me with such a complex character. Surkh Chandni will always have my heart and Aida will definitely stay with me for a long, long time.”
from The News International - Instep Today https://ift.tt/2mi8SX8
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