RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa has said enduring peace inside Pakistan is linked to peace in Afghanistan for which Pakistan is playing its role, while interacting with tribal elders from North and South Waziristan districts during his visit to Miranshah.“Afghanistan is our brotherly Muslim neighbour and we wish peace in Afghanistan as much for Pakistan,” he said, according to an Inter-services Public Relations (ISPR) press release issued on Friday.Gen Bajwa said cross-border terrorist incidents are gradually reducing due to the solidification of Pakistan-Afghan border especially the ongoing fencing. The Army chief urged tribal Mashrans to continue playing their elderly role in guiding the youth.“Combination of experience and wisdom of elders with energy and talent of the youth is recipe for success,” he said.Referring to a few improvised explosive device (IED) detonation incidents in recent past, he asked them to stay alert and watchful against those facilitators and abettors who are morphed into peaceful citizens and working for the inimical forces.He said dealing with those few through force is not difficult however even at the cost of casualties to security forces we deal (with) them ensuring that peaceful citizens are not harmed. “It is only with mutual cooperation that we will defeat such terrorists,” he added.The tribal elders assured the Army chief that they shall continue supporting security forces in maintaining security environment. They requested Gen Bajwa for speedy completion of ongoing projects as well as suggesting a few additional facilities.The Army chief said gradually all projects shall get realised and upon completion these projects shall bring enduring peace, stability and prosperity in the area.
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