Thursday, December 19, 2019

FGH has new OPD

Islamabad : A 19-room Out-Patient Department (OPD) that will provide services ranging from those related to gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, surgery, and orthopedic, among other specialties, was inaugurated Thursday at the Federal General Hospital (FGH).The PM’s Special Assistant on Health Dr. Zafar Mirza inaugurated the new OPD Block, which had been awaiting completion for over 18 months. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Zafar expressed how delighted he was to inaugurate the facility as part of the PM’s health reforms agenda under which targeted steps are being taken in the direction of Universal Health Coverage through strengthening of primary healthcare services.Dr. Zafar recollected how dilapidated the OPD was when he last visited FGH in September. “Better facilities will now be available to patients, who previously used to face inconvenience due to lack of space, among other issues. Moreover, it is also heartening to note that an enabling environment will now be available for doctors to examine and treat patients,” he said.The establishment of the facility is being seen as yet another step for strengthening of the primary healthcare system, which constitutes the backbone of the Islamabad Health Model, under which the first primary healthcare facility has already been inaugurated in Shah Allah Ditta. “This system cannot optimally function unless who are preforming their duties in these facilities are satisfied at all levels. We are working to upgrade all Basic Health Units and Rural Health Centres, all of which will be linked through a computerized system to facilitate referral of patients to PIMS and Poly Clinic. No more than 20 to 30 percent of the cases should be referred to PIMS and Poly Clinic. This way, not only will patients get facilities at their doorsteps, but we will also be able to shed the existing patient load on tertiary care hospitals,” Dr. Zafar stated.The PM’s Special Assistant also made a mention of the government’s desire to deliver a performance-based career structure for doctors. “Most of the doctors working in Islamabad’s hospitals retire in the very grades in which they are appointed. We have twice advertised basic healthcare positions for doctors, but they just do not apply because of this very apprehension. Please try to understand the Model Healthcare System and become part of it,” Dr. Zafar pleaded.He concluded with a reference to Sehat Insaf Cards, which have been provided to 5 million families across the country and will be extended to 10 million families by the end of 2020.

from The News International - Islamabad


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