Friday, October 4, 2019

Business appraisal

In an extraordinary and unprecedented development, representatives of the business community met the COAS to air their grievances and ostensibly seek remedy for unresolved issues. The COAS apparently gave a patient hearing and persuaded them to meet the PM. Some of the representatives subsequently met the PM and all that was decided from the government side was to set up a committee to look into their concerns. The composition of the committee from the government side has not been announced but it is certain it will comprise the government’s economic and revenue team that already had several rounds of dialogue without any result. Setting up committees after committees with the same faces is a futile exercise that will not resolve genuine issues and bridge the trust deficit.It is suggested that the government should invite nationally reputed professionally independent economists to sit down with the business community and make an unpartisan and independent appraisal, without any pressure or tilt, of the genuine problems faced by the business community that is hindering increased economic activity and exports. This committee should then submit its findings and proposals to the prime minister for immediate implementation.Shoaib ArifKarachi

from The News International - Newspost

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