Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Real development

The real definition of development is when your institutions are working properly and people are given equal rights and opportunities. The history of development has shown that it can be achieved through being inclusive and making institutions fair enough to protect rights of people. When your people are provided opportunities according to their capabilities, that is when they develop. Developed countries like US and Russia have worked much on their human capital. If you are providing good opportunities but those are not according to the capabilities of people, they are essentially useless. The most important thing is how many capable and skilled people you have. Your residents are your main assets. If you can’t retain them, you will be a victim of brain drain.Traditional economies were just relying on agriculture, just a single sector where farmers were working and landlords were enjoying the benefits. But as the concept of inclusive workforce has introduced, people have started working collaboratively to enhance the economy. The inclusiveness of sectors has boosted the economy of many countries like the US. China is making its workforce as inclusive as possible and the result is right in front of us. So in order to develop as a country, we need to make institutions and people as inclusive as possible and provide them skills related to their capacities.Syed Zahid AliKhairpur

from The News International - Newspost https://ift.tt/2ZyUbRR

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