ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) on Tuesday asked the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to initiate investigation in the corruption case against Arslan Iftikhar, son of former chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and decide the case in accordance with law and without any loss of time.In a letter addressed to NAB chairman, PBC Vice Chairman Syed Amjad Shah requested to issue direction for initiating investigation of the case of Arslan Iftikhar at the earliest for bringing the same to logical end.He said that the PBC discussed the matter in its last meeting and resolved that in view of importance of the issue specially for ensuring across the board accountability and elimination of corruption, under the influence of highest Judicial Office, it is imperative that the corruption case against Arslan Iftikhar, pending in the NAB, should also be investigated and dealt with, as per the law without any loss of time.In a statement issued here the PBC chairman recalled that the Supreme Court, after considering the corruption case against Arslan Iftikhar, referred the matter to the NAB for investigation and necessary action against which a review petition was filed by Arslan Iftikhar, challenging the said order but the said review petition later on was withdrawn by him.Therefore, he said that the original order of the Supreme Court stood restored and as such the learned Attorney-General for Pakistan, in compliance with the said order of the Supreme Court, has referred the matter to the NAB for information and necessary action under the law. But it is a matter of concern that despite lapse of quite some time no action has been taken by the NAB. He requested the NAB chairman to initiate the investigation in the corruption case against Arslan Iftikhar and decide the case in accordance with the law and without any loss of time.
from The News International - Top Story
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
PBC asks NAB to initiate probe against ex-CJP’s son
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