Veteran actor Firdous Jamal, who is presently starring in plays like Gul k Gulzar and Mere Mohsin, recently appeared in Faysal Qureshi’s morning show along with his son Hamza Firdous. During the show, in a segment called ‘Mashwara Dain’ that takes advice for actors whose picture was shown to the guests, the actor didn’t have kind words to share. When Mahira Khan’s picture was on display, Firdous Jamal came up with the most unpleasant advice for her, which was not constructive in any way. “I am sorry to say that Mahira is not heroine stuff,” he said blatantly, adding that she is a mediocre sort of a model. “She is not a good actress and not a heroine. She is old; one doesn’t play a heroine at this age but rather the role of a mother.” Host of the morning show Faysal Qureshi smiled in response but chose to stay quiet. However, before Firdous Jamal made any comment, Faysal expressed that he really wishes to see Mahira’s upcoming film Superstar succeed, unlike her past films.Whether Mahira is a good actor or not, whether her films collect big numbers at the box office or not, what a veteran actor like Firdous Jamal said was totally inappropriate, degrading and uncalled for. If we emphasize on respecting senior artists, than they are also obliged to give new-age artists their due respect and not promote ageism in this day and age.
from The News International - Instep Today
Sunday, July 28, 2019
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» Firdous Jamal makes undignified comments about Mahira Khan
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