Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friend or foe?

We must face the fact that the people who invent technology put their hard work into it but the person who uses it becomes lazy and shuns responsibility. When the power goes out and the television won’t work and your laptop battery dies you find yourself bored and with nothing to do. This is because this addictive technology becomes your life and you slowly lose interest in all other hobbies or interesting activities that you used to spend your life engrossed in. Can people even imagine a world without technology anymore? I can’t even recall the last time I went a day without looking at my cell phone at all. Technology has made life so convenient for us that it’s almost scary to think of what would happen if we had to go without our favourite gadget for an extended period of time. We have become dependent on gadgets and gizmos to keep us going. A coin has two sides and so does technology where the good and the bad go hand in hand. The World Wars revealed a side of technology which can be used for mass destruction. It made us realise that technology can harm more than it helps.Today, technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. The internet has become the biggest source of information in the 21st century. Any and all the information is available to us at the touch of a button. Google is your best friend. Technology is a good thing for people anywhere and everywhere. No matter how old or young you are, it helps us in every aspect of our lives, and it is a thing that cannot be lived without. Programmes like Facebook that are designed to reunite you with a childhood friend or keep in touch with your loved ones are extremely easy to navigate and user friendly. Though we say that with technology we are becoming more socialised, we are not. Somewhere down the lane we are losing that personal touch. We have become so monotonous about technology that we cannot spend a day outside without using a single gadget. We must try to remember that you cannot achieve all your wants and desires by spending your life staring at a computer screen. In fact I think I’m going to go outside and sit under the sun for a while. It will be a welcome change.Muhammad HaiderKarachi

from The News International - Newspost


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