Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Our way

The Pakistani way of life is egocentric and self-centred. The current political landscape and ‘politics of confrontation’, paint a bleak scenario of this. The political leadership today don’t stand for any sort of philosophy or ideology, but they do stand for corruption and for the protection of their laundered money. The trouble with the Pakistani ruling class and those who are placed in authority positions is that they don’t see any meaning in their lives that is bigger than their own desires. Those in authority are infamous for their inconsiderate and anti-public behaviour. They firmly believe that power does not lie in ethics or morality but in corruption.Much of what makes people miserable in Naya Pakistan today is because of the anti-people policies of the present rulers. A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions whilst the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences the incumbent rulers do not see. Our leadership has done nothing for the people of Pakistan, but everything for their family and friends. So, when the state is distrusted, educational institutions may propagate all the national symbols they can muster, but in the absence of credible national leadership this is to no avail.Hashim AbroIslamabad

from The News International - Newspost https://ift.tt/2G5daaT

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