I have had enoughDear Guru,I am an educated, married woman. I am a mother of two and my husband lives abroad. Currently I am living with my in-laws but am not happy with them. Actually I need a job so that I can utilise my time more productively. Guru, I am qualified enough to get a decent job but I am not allowed to do so. My in-laws have never considered me a part of their family and they think of me more as a servant than a human being. I have my likes and dislikes too and want to live an independent life. As a mature person I have a right to do whatever I want to do but sadly I am just living a life of a subordinate who has to obey her in-laws in any case. Please tell me what I should do.Fed up WifeDear Fed up WifeI found your letter quite vague as you did not mention your age, qualification, financial status, etc. In the absence of relevant details, it is difficult for me to judge your actual situation; all I gathered is that you are having issues with your in-laws. Dear, if your in-laws are so control freak and you are having problems living with them, it’s better to sort it out with your husband instead of sitting on them quietly. If you want to work, you can directly talk to your hubby and he can tell his family to let you do whatever you want to do. If you have a strong bond with your husband, then with his support, you can take a step otherwise it will be difficult for you to raise a voice against your in-laws.Secondly, if your kids are young then they need their mom around them, in that case you have to postpone the idea of doing a job for some time. And try to persuade your husband to call you wherever he is living. Your children need their father, too, and in that way you will also be freed from your in-laws’ clutches. In any case, just be patient and try to resolve your problem amicably with your husband and in-laws. Good luck! She is ignoring meDear Guru,I am studying in grade XI in one of the best colleges of my city. I happen to be a good student. My problem is related to my class fellow who is very charming. Actually one of my friends had a crush on her. She was also friendly to my friend but as soon as my friend disclosed his feelings, she blocked him temporarily from her Facebook. Then we became very good friends but of course my friend did not like this and stopped talking to me. He thought she was my girlfriend whereas I only considered her as my friend. Since he was more important to me, I decided to end our friendship. However, her response shocked me. She just said “It’s O.K” and deleted me from her Facebook. Guru, now that we don’t talk anymore, I realise I actually love her. I miss talking to her so much that I cannot focus on my studies. I have tried to reconnect with her but she does not respond. This is my first heartbreak and I don’t know what to do.A LeoDear A Leo,As you grow you learn from your mistakes. This is not your age to indulge in serious relationship. I don’t blame that girl for not talking to you. You are the one who decided to break up with her then why you are regretting your decision now? You cannot force her to be friends with you again. It’s obvious that she is not interested in you and that’s why she is ignoring you. Had she been interested in you, she would have responded you by now. The girl seems to be of a strong character who is not interested in having an affair - either with you or your friend. Have some self respect young man, and stop stalking her. I know it’s your first heartbreak but look at the positive side, you have learnt your lesson. Get on with your life and focus on your studies which should be your prime concern at this stage. Your conscience is clear. You don’t need to feel upset about anything. Good luck! Kindly send your problems at: trustusproblems@yahoo.com
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