Friday, March 8, 2019

CDA may use drone tech for densification of forests on Margallas

Islamabad : The Capital Development Authority (CDA), after a long time, has decided to go for aerial seeding on the Margalla Hills to fill tracts that have become badly damaged because of wild fires as well as those scars created on the face of the beautiful hills by stone crusher, which once operated within the limits of Margalla Hills.The Chairman CDA, Amir Ali Ahmed, who also is the Chief Commissioner of Islamabad, while talking to ‘The News’ said that the Authority will use drone technology to spread seeds in selected patches, especially those which have been damaged and are difficult to reach by foot.“We are trying to experience this drone technology for aerial seeding for the first time to reach the areas which have been damaged/destroyed because of wild fires and for other reasons.“We are also in contact with some environmental agencies, which have suggested to go for ‘seed ball’ plantation. We believe this will be a good exercise and will produce the results we are aiming to achieve the targets set as part of Prime Minister’s ‘Clean and Green Pakistan’,” Amir Ahmed Ali said.Last time aerial seeding on the Margalla hills was done was back in late ‘70s or early ‘80s. The then Director-General (Environment) of the CDA, Rashid Randhawa, told ‘The News’ that to make Margalla Hills more green and to attract and protect the indigenous species of flora and fauna in the Margalla Hills National Park, the aerial seeding was done, using an aircraft.“100 large seed bags were arranged to be spread using a small aircraft from the Nicholson Monument in the west of Margalla Hills right up to Bhara Kahu, which was declared the National Park at that time.“Two particular indigenous species of trees and plants, ‘Phulahi’ (Acacia Modesta) and ‘Sanatha’ (Dodonaea Viscosa) were selected because both the tree and plant were indigenous of Margalla Hills, and those 100 bags of seeds of the two species were spread all over Margalla Hills National Park,” Rashid Randhawa shared with ‘The News’.Chief Commissioner Amir Ali Ahmed said that the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) administration with support of the CDA and the Municipal Corporation of Islamabad (MCI) has been striving to initiate a ‘Green Initiative’ for Islamabad under which they are aiming to plant approximately 500,000 saplings and plants in the on-going spring tree plantation campaign.“These activities are other than the ones being conducted by MCI on their own. The CDA and the ICT administration will help establish kiosks where free saplings will be offered to the residents of the federal capital to plant on their own in their homes and around to enhance the green cover of the federal capital,” the CDA Chairman said.The CDA spokesman said that more trees are being provided to the MCI and the CDA through ‘Cooperate Social Responsibility’ (CSR) for plantation in other sectors, including F-10, F-11 and D-12. “It is with the collective efforts of MCI and the CDA that desired results shall be achieved,” the CDA spokesman said.“The objective of the drive is to not only plant more trees but also engage public and create awareness regarding environment and significance of afforestation,” the CDA spokesman said.

from The News International - Islamabad


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