Friday, the 21st of March, 2019 shall go down in history as a day of religious tolerance, a day of religious harmony, a day of love and peace, a day to reject in all its forms and shapes hatred on the basis of religion, cast or creed – a bright Friday after a dark , black and bloody Friday. This unique day was a gift of the government and people of New Zealand, when the ‘Azaan’ echoed across the country. As the call was broadcast around the country, thousands of people – including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern – stood silently in a park opposite the mosque where the killing began, as the country of 4.5 million came to a standstill. Hats off to New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern, who during the worst kind of terrorism faced by her country showed great statesmanship – keeping aside her religious beliefs – stood with the Muslim community.After the ‘Azaan’, a two-minute silence was observed throughout the country. Many women in attendance wore headscarves in solidarity with New Zealand’s Muslim community. Such an attitude or media coverage is next to impossible to expect from us, especially our electronic media. After the tragic and gruesome Christchurch attack last Friday , the courageous PM Jacinda and her government have stunned the word and conveyed to all that terrorism has no religion. The PM of New Zealand has in very clear words conveyed a message of love, peace and harmony – and of condemning bigotry, hate and racism in all its forms. There is a lesson for the world to learn from young PM Jacinda – in particular, for the people of our ‘Land of the Pure’ – on how to respect and honour fellow citizens of other religions. All the communities living in Pakistan, irrespective of their religious beliefs, are first Pakistani. This is something we must remember.Aamir AqilLahore
from The News International - Newspost
Sunday, March 24, 2019
A bright Friday
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