Friday, October 25, 2019

Child abuse

Child abuse has become a growing issue in our society and needs to be addressed immediately. According to a report by an NGO, almost 11 children are sexually abused in the country every day. Our children are at a great risk and need constant attention by their parents in order to remain safe. Thousands of cases go unnoticed and unreported, because children are often abused by people belonging to the family or its social circle. In such cases, children are either too scared to speak up or they are hushed up if they do. Many times, elders refuse to take action against the abusers because the family’s reputation is at risk, Such a mindset-where honour is given more weight than a criminal act has only encouraged abusers, as they believe they will get away without consequences, However, the few cases that do make it to the news and also to the police, are cases of abuse that have reached disgustingly horrific extents. It is when innocent children are raped and killed. Both state and society have failed our children. Despite the increase in child abuse, our country is yet to convict a majority of accused rapists.Bilal ShabbirIslamabad

from The News International - Newspost


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