Islamabad :The national health services ministry claims that it has mobilised all efforts and resources to contain dengue fever in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.“With coordination at the highest political and professional level in place, we review the dengue situation at the ministry every morning. We’ve installed a new team at Islamabad’s district health office with the required resources to immediately respond to dengue cases, while a dengue control and operation team has been established for rapid response against the viral disease. At the same time, we’ve put the capital’s all five government hospitals, including Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Federal Government Polyclinic, National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Federal General Hospital and Capital Hospital, on high alert with 1000 beds reserved for dengue patients,” health secretary Dr Allah Bakhsh Malik told ‘The News’.The secretary said chief executive officer of the government’s health initiative, Sehat Sahulat Programme, Dr Faisal Rifaq, had been tasked with coordinating anti-dengue efforts with Islamabad’s five private hospitals, HBS General Hospital, Alipur, Akbar Niazi Hospital, Bhara Kahu, Al-Nafees Hospital, Farash Town, Dr. Sadaf Specialists Hospital, Ghauri Gardens, and Al-Ain Hospital, Wah.He said the ministry invited the district management of Islamabad and Rawalpindi to its daily dengue review meeting to further strengthen efforts against the deadly fever.“The situation is under control and will improve further next week due to low temperature. The ministry is focusing on pocket-by-pocket disease situation and response activity. While the people’s representatives, including MNAs, in Rawalpindi and Islamabad have been engaged for response activity, surveillance for mosquito larva is underway and dedicated teams ensure quick response to dengue cases,” he said.The secretary said considering the meteorological forecast, the 'case search' was likely to begin declining next week as the temperature would go below 22 degrees Celsius.
from The News International - Islamabad
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