Friday, June 28, 2019

Work on Nullah Leh dredging completed

Rawalpindi: The Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa) has completed work on de-silting and dredging of Nullah Leh in order to avert any danger of flooding during monsoon which falls in July every year.The Punjab government had allocated Rs10 million to Wasa for carrying dredging work of Nullah Leh. Similarly, besides doing dredging and de-silting work of Leh, Wasa has also completed full work on improvement of sewerage and drainage systems in different parts of Rawalpindi city and laid emphasis on those union councils which are flooded during rains.According to official spokesman, Umar Farooq, Deputy Director, the managing director, Tanvir Ahmed made surprise visits during mid nights to inspect the scope of work carried on the improvement of sewerage as well as drainage system. The old and rusty sewerage pipes were replaced and repaired the leakages in order to avert accumulation of water during rainy season.Despite completing entire work, Wasa officials on the directions of managing director would remain highly alert to assess and review the water situation in Lai during Monsoon rains. The related staff have been assigned duties during Monsoon at the head of their directors.When this correspondent approached managing director, he acknowledging completion of work on Nullah Leh dredging and also on improvement of sewerage and drainage system underscored the need of construction of ground reservoirs with the purpose of storing Leh water in catchment areas during monsoon rains.If ground reservoirs are built the rain water of catchment areas would not fall in Leh channels thus averting flooding during monsoon. Moreover, there would be no need left to do dredging work on Leh thus saving funds. The rain water stored in ground reservoirs could be used for watering the plants and trees, the managing director suggested.In the past no government as well as related authorities of civic bodies gave thought on the idea constructing ground reservoirs for storing rain water, he said. If work on this idea is started and enforced then we would achieve beneficial results like averting danger of floods by Leh besides using the stored water on watering the plants and trees and other greenery.

from The News International - Islamabad

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