Sunday, June 30, 2019

Health matters

Here is something that really happened – extremely useful from both religious and health points of view. It is claimed that by following this practice in letter and in spirit, one can stay healthy all one’s life. Quote from Aalim Diary, 2019:“Recently I was looking for a location for making a film. I was passing through Falaj Mulla on my way to Sharjah (UAE). This village lies between Sharjah and Amalqen on the way to Fujera. They have very extensive camel farms here and also a very big race course. It is supposed to be a village but it has all modern amenities. We reached there at 11 am and asked the guide for the way to the race course. On the way we came across a very old mosque. There was a tea shop nearby and there were quite a few Arabs sitting there drinking tea.“There was also an old man sitting with them having tea. Since I am always eager to gain information, I decided to go and sit with the old man. I asked other staff members to sit elsewhere and I went to the old man alone with a cup of tea in my hand. I guessed he was Baloch and after greeting him I found my guess to be correct. I mentioned the purpose of my visit. He asked me to sit down and, upon my insistence, he gave me a detailed description and other information about camels.“Before continuing our conversation I told him how old I was and asked him his age. He said he was 95 and that his mother had died at 105. Then he said: ‘You are quite young compared to me’. In order to change the topic, I asked him to tell me the secret of longevity and good health. He smiled and said: ‘Don’t get sick’. I told him that was beyond our control. He smiled and said: ‘Yes, it is in our control.’ I asked him to tell me the secret and promised to practise it. He came closer and said: ‘Never eat or drink anything before saying ‘Bismillah’, even if it is a drop of water.’ I remained silent.“Then he said: ‘The Almighty has not produced anything without a purpose – beneficial or harmful. Whenever we eat something and say ‘Bismillah’, the Almighty neutralizes the harmful effects. Always recite ‘Bismillah’ before eating anything and thank God in your heart for providing that blessing. And when you have finished eating, say: ‘Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah for providing this blessing and making me a believer, a Muslim’. I am sure you will never get any serious illness then.’“He held my hand and asked me to sit down once more and then he said: ‘Please listen to the last advice. If you are having meals with other people, never take a bite first, no matter how hungry you are. First serve the person sitting near you and eat only after he has put food into his mouth.’ He said: ‘This will be the ‘sadqa’ of your meal. The Almighty will be pleased that you have taken care of your guest. Please remember that food is for the body and Bismillah is for the soul. Now tell me, is it possible to get sick from such food?’ I got up, kissed both his hands and left wondering about the difference in upbringing between our generation and the young generation.”Since the above deals with health, here are some simple home remedies said to help prevent and/or cure cancer, the most common and most fatal of all diseases. 1) Cancer is said to sometimes be caused by a shortage of vitamin B-17. This is found in high quantities in almonds. Eating 7 or 8 almonds a day is claimed to prevent the onset of cancer. 2) Take the juice of one boiled beetroot, one apple, one large carrot and one lemon. Drink a glass of this twice a day. It is said to destroy cancer cells in the body and lead to good health. 3) Cut a few rings of bitter gourd, put in a glass and fill with hot water. Allow to cool and drink twice a day. Said to kill cancer cells.4) Cut a few pieces of coconut. Place in a glass and fill with hot water. Allow to cool and drink twice or thrice a day. Said to kill cancer cells. 5) Take the juice of one lemon, mix with water and drink three times a day. Said to kill cancer cells.While undergoing chemotherapy or radiation for cancer, contact Nasir Dawakhana at Rabwa to obtain Sachi Buti tablets. Take four of these three times a day. They will help neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Hair loss is said to be limited and haemoglobin levels maintained at acceptable levels. I know of many patients who have benefitted from this medicine.May Almighty Allah give good health and long life to all those suffering from this disease – Ameen.Email:

from The News International - Opinion

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