TIPS ‘N’ TRICKSWrite stuff downKeep a creativity notebook where you write down everything you’re curious about or things you’ve picked up along the way. It is important that these things be handwritten - since the act of writing also encourages more neural connections and increases the likelihood your ideas will connect to each other. Note random ideas that occur to you - the more random the better. Add sketches if you like. If it was good enough for Leonardo Da Vinci, it’s good enough for you. This notebook can be a great resource when you need inspiration.Sleeping on a problemScientists have known for some time that the act of putting your problem aside until the next morning can yield a solution. The secret to success? Having something to take notes on, by hand - no devices - ready when inspiration strikes the next morning.RelaxMake a point of learning a few relaxation techniques and practice at least one per day. Do this like it’s your job - because in a sense it is. When the mind is relaxed, it begins making associations between random ideas emanating in the subconscious. This is where sparks of inspirations and creativity can suddenly come from. Travel or at least take a new routeTravel has been shown to greatly increase creativity, but travel is not something we can all do at the drop of hat. An alternative is to avoid driving, or especially walking, the same route to a place you go frequently. By finding new ways to get from A to B you’ll not only stimulate your creative problem solving parts of the brain, but you’ll start your world with new eyes.Structured walkingGo for a walk down a street where there are lamp posts or something else at regular intervals. Now count your steps for alternating intervals. By focusing on how many steps are between alternating sections of the walk you are occupying the conscious part of your brain, freeing up the unconscious. Getting lostIn the age of GPS-enabled smart phones this can be harder to do that it once was, but it is absolutely worthwhile. Walk, ride or drive in a pattern away from the familiar. Maybe do this by talking alternate right and left turns until you are lost. Once lost, explore the place you find yourself. This forcing the brain to confront the “new” encourages the brain to be open to the “new”.Examine everything more closelyBecome a scientist in everyday environment. If it’s not interesting to you, you’re not looking closely enough. One way to do this is to use a camera or the one in your smart phone to try to photograph the smallest part of something you see.Eavesdrop snippets of conversationThese conversations are happening around you all the time and you mostly shut them out. But they are a rich source of human interaction and ideas. Pay attention and then, for some brain stimulation imagine what might happen next. Read a random page of the dictionaryYou’ll likely encounter many words you didn’t know existed let alone know what they mean. This is a way to introduce new ideas into your brain and allow it to make random connections.Read a random magazineSupermarkets and bookstores may not appreciate it, but you can also do this in the doctor or dentist’s waiting room: pick up a random article. Pay attention to a random advertisement. Both are exposing you to new ideas.Turn off the TVNo, really. Find a way to limit TV time and if you must watch it consider the quality of what you’re watching. Research has shown again and again that our brains are literally GIGO (garbage in - garbage out).Laugh at yourself, others and the worldFinding the funny in everyday situations can make you smile or even laugh out loud. Such moments can also reveal insights into the world around you that you previously had not noticed.Eat brain foodsTry some of these foods (all have been noted to increase activity in the creativity linked parts of the brain) band note which may help you: whole grains, walnuts, almonds, raisins, blueberries, strawberries, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, eggs, green tea, spinach, cabbage and dark chocolate. Learn a new language You can do this either by taking classes or literally going to live some place where the language is not your own. Forcing your brain to think differently in this way has been shown to open new thinking and creativity pathways. It’s why, for example, some famous painters have done their best work after moving to another country.Have a bucket listHaving such a list can be simply inspirational or it can be closer to a to-do list. The latter will certainly mean you will be exposed to new things if, and only if, you do one thing on it regularly.Developed by: Mike Johansson, Rochester Institute of Technology- Compiled by SG
from The News International - US
Friday, March 22, 2019
Tips on nurturing curiosity
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