Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pakistan for peaceful co-existence

It is certainly again an occasion for all citizens to have a deep look into some speeches of the architect of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, whose selfless leadership provided all-time food for thought to people of any creed and colour.As a human being, he professed Islam and remained large-hearted, broad-minded and tolerant drawing inspiration from Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). He had one notable thing in his mind, and that was democracy.From the core of his heart, he told members of Shahi Jirga and leaders of Balochistan: “It is my belief that our salvation lies in following the golden rules of conduct set for us by our great law-giver--the Prophet of Islam. Let us lay the foundation of our democracy on the basis of truly Islamic ideals and principles.”How deeply impressed was the founder of Pakistan by the life and achievements of the last Messenger of God is not a secret in any sense of the word. In a broadcast talk to the people of the United States, the Quaid-i-Azam expressed his belief that ultimate shape of the Constitution of Pakistan would be of a democratic type, embodying the principles of Islam.He made it clear that in any case Pakistan would not be a theocratic state. “We’ve many non-Muslims -- Hindus, Christians and Parsis -- they’re all Pakistanis. They’ll enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizen, and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.”That meant paving the way for inter-faith harmony and national unity that included Buddhists. The fact of the matter is the Quaid borrowed ideas of social and economic justice and tolerance from Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).True followers of Islam proudly recall how intelligently the Messenger of God abolished the tribal distinction and grouped the inhabitants of Medina under one general name Ansar (helper). In order to unite the former and the Muhajireen (emigrants) in closer bonds, he established a brotherhood between them.He realised the truth that the foundation of the Islamic state would be weak unless it was based upon the goodwill and support of all sections of people.Toleration of others’ religion is necessary where different races live together. His policy in this respect was: “Live and let live others.”There are many acts of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) which are of great relevance today. One is that he granted to all Christians a charter which is a monument of enlightened tolerance. They were not to be unfairly taxed, no bishop was to be driven out of his bishopric, no monk was to be expelled from his monastery, and no pilgrim was to be detained from the pilgrimage. In case of the repair of churches the Muslims were to help the Christians.Learning more and more from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and sayings of the founder of Pakistan and following the examples set by them in an atmosphere of liberty, equality and fraternity will awaken the people to the necessity of unity, faith and discipline at the time their country is passing through a critical phase of its

from The News International - Islamabad

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