Friday, March 8, 2019

Mind your language

Chief Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar’s most significant decision so far, symbolically speaking, is the forced-resignation of Fayyazul-Hassan Chohan. It is a powerful message to the loudmouthed, unhinged haters who don’t spare any opportunity to spew venom against minority communities. While we patted ourselves on the back for getting a minister fired from his position, let’s also muster the courage for deeper introspection. We need to ask ourselves some tough questions. If a Hindu citizen of Pakistan had made such comments, cases of blasphemy would have been registered against him, and by now, he or she would be behind bars.Having studied in government schools from Grade 1 to 9, I can say with confidence that hatred for other religions, and even some sects of Islam, is deeply entrenched in our national curriculum. This hate has seeped deeper in our conscience, and we seem to have normalised it. Our society is also replete with ‘scholars’ of religious groups whose only skill is using the most derogatory, provocative and abhorrent words and phrases against the ‘opponents’. The rot is within, and it is the outcome of decades of brainwashing and indoctrination. While millions of Pakistanis don’t harbor any hatred against any one, many are full of hate. Our country needs deep-cleansing, if we are to survive and thrive as a nation. The sooner the cleaning starts, the better.Noor PamiriNew YorkUSA*****Former Punjab Information and Culture Minister Fayyazul Hassan Chohan is not the only one who had expressed negative views against Pakistan’s minority communities. This peculiar mindset is the product of the distorted history taught in our educational institutions, seminaries and madressahs.Unfortunately many so-called highly educated individuals are prejudiced against those who believe in religious ideologies different from theirs. There is an urgent need to review textbooks and other course material taught in schools and madressahs. Social media should also play a positive role in spreading love for humanity and respect for different ideologies.Dr Najeeb A KhanBostonUSA*****The wise say “think before you speak”. This holds true for now former Punjab minister Fayyazul Hasan Chohan who had to step down from his position for his derogatory remarks against Hindus. Being an elected representative, he should have thought a hundred times before saying anything. However, people have observed that he had been consistent in either criticising or abusing his opponents ever since he came into power. Undoubtedly, his words hurt millions of Hindus living across Pakistan.Religious bigotry and the use of racist remarks have usually gone unaddressed for long. It was heartening that PM Imran Khan took strict action and removed him from the office.Umair Aslam MuhammadiSukkur

from The News International - Newspost


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