Do we have a unique and distinctive culture which identifies us in this ‘global village’? When you go abroad, you see and experience various cultures. The important question is: why have we not been able to get recognition for our Pakistani culture internationally? It is a pity that we have not been able to introduce our culture abroad.Since our literacy rate has been one of the lowest, advancements in science and technology in Pakistan do not match with other developing third world countries and our economy has also been weak. Therefore, our national culture had not been recognised abroad. Unfortunately, the work of our embassies in this regard in the past has also been less than satisfactory. With the present government, we are hopeful that things would change for the better.Sqn-Ldr (r) Tarique Mahmood MalakRawalpindi
from The News International - Newspost
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Positive culture
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