The Koel Gallery is hosting Farrukh Adnan’s solo art exhibition titled ‘Earth Cover’ until September 5. His studio practice is centred on an ancestral connection with history and archaeology, the gallery quotes the artist as saying.“This archival research has been undertaken in ancient Tulamba, which is located in southern Punjab. I am interested in the archaeology of works that explore personal memory of space/place, collective historical events, cultural depictions of nature in the context of present times,” says Adnan.“Revealing aspects of history have a profound impact on our contemporary culture today. This leads us to discussions relating to how we interpret a space within its context and how context itself builds sometimes out of the syntax.“I am interested in these aspects, and researching/archiving Tulamba is important for me because archaeology allows a connection with the current situation in most of today’s world.“The aim of my art practice with research remains to be psycho-geographical, while the spiritual element has shifted from memory to symbols. During research and its production, new areas of interest arise and lead to the next body of work.”Farrukh Adnan received his bachelor’s degree in visual communication design from the National College of Arts (NCA) Lahore in 2009. He completed his master’s degree in art & design studies from the Beaconhouse National University, with the prestigious scholarship of the South Asia Foundation-Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Studies in 2014.He started teaching photography as a visiting lecturer at the NCA in 2015 as well as drawing & history of art at the National College of Business Administration & Economics Lahore in 2016. His recent solo and two-person exhibitions include ‘Excavations’ at the Rohtas 2 Gallery Lahore (2018), ‘Distorted Paradigms’ with Maimoona Riaz at the Satrang Art Gallery Islamabad (2017), ‘Enigmatic Spaces’ at the Koel Gallery Karachi (2017), ‘Museum of Wasted Love’ with Mahboob Jokhio at the Full Circle Gallery Karachi (2016) and ‘Unfolding Matters’ at the Sanat Initiative Karachi (2015).His group shows include ‘Art for Education: Contemporary Artists from Pakistan’ at the Carlo Maria Martini Diocesan Museum Milan (2018), ‘Boiling Springs Art Exhibition of Pakistan’ at the Belt & Road Suzhou University Museum Beijing (2018), ‘Who is Afraid of Art?’ at the Alhamrah Arts Council Lahore (2018), ‘Imago Mundi: Luciano Benetton Collection Lines in the Sand: Contemporary Art from Pakistan’ at the Venice Biennale Italy (2018), ‘Open Fields’ at the Pakistan National Council of Arts (2016) and ‘Migration and Movement’, a Close Together project by Voice Breaking Boundaries, Houston (2014-2015).
from The News International - Karachi
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