Sunday, September 8, 2019

CITY PULSE: The Skin We Live In

The Canvas Gallery is hosting Ahmed Ali Manganhar, Amna Rahman, Anusha Ramchand and Yaseen Khan’s art exhibition titled 'The Skin We Live In' until September 12. Call 021-35861523 for more information.and those who were seen...The Sanat Initiative is hosting Asif Ahmed and Syed Faraz Ali’s art exhibition titled ‘and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music’ until September 12. Call 0300-8208108 for more information.RehaiThe VM Art Gallery, in collaboration with nonprofit Roohbaru, is hosting Abdullah Qureshi, Adeel Uz Zafar, Faizan Riedinger, Marium M Habib, Noormah Jamal, Rabia S Akhtar and Sohail Zuberi’s art exhibition titled ‘Rehai’ from September 13 to September 22. Call 021-34948088 for more information.SoliloquyThe Full Circle Gallery is hosting Ahmed Faizan Naveed’s solo art exhibition titled ‘Soliloquy’ until September 10. Call 0303-2239038 for more information.Is it possible to live outside of language?The IVS Gallery is hosting Fiza Khatri, Lucas Odahara, Omer Wasim, The Many Headed Hydra and Vassiliea Stylianidou’s art exhibition titled ‘Is it possible to live outside of language?’ until September 24. Call 021-111111487 for more information.Distance Between UsThe Koel Gallery is hosting Rabbya Naseer and Hurmat Ul Ain’s art exhibition titled ‘Distance Between Us’ from September 12 to September 23. Call 021-35831292 for more information.Altered RealityThe ArtChowk Gallery is hosting Ambreen Hameed’s solo art exhibition titled ‘Altered Reality’ until September 10. Call 021-35300482 for more information.

from The News International - Karachi

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