MANSEHRA: The Gattidas accident in Kaghan valley near Babusar top where at least 26 people including 10 army soldiers were killed and 20 others sustained injuries as a result of over-speeding.“I have visited the accident site and inspected the damaged vehicle along with the technical team, which indicated that coach, which rammed into mountain had gone out of control of its driver because of over-speeding,” Arif Javed, the assistant superintendent of police, told reporters on Wednesday. Gilgit-Baltistan government had sealed offices of Mashabrum Transport Company in Gilgit and cancelled its licence until next order following the accident on Sunday. “This report would determine the fate of Masherbrum Company, whose coach rammed into Roadside Mountain because of rash driving,” said Arif Javed.He said that the investigation team would also ensure that none of the transport companies would run buses without two drivers in future. “We cannot allow transport companies to take lives of passengers in such a big number just because of their criminal negligence and recommend such precautionary measures which could restrict this kind of accidents in future,” said Arif Javed. In response to a query, the ASP also completely ruled out any possibility of sabotage behind that tragic accident.
from The News International - Peshawar
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