LAHORE: As the world observed the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on Wednesday, the SOS-Torture Asia Litigators Group strongly called for an end to torture with impunity in the continent and around the world.“Torture is politically, socially and morally accepted in many Asian countries as a tool for policing”, said Bushra Khaliq, a lawyer from Pakistan and a member of the group. “Torture in police custody is deeply ingrained in our systems and culture”, said Mangla Verma, a lawyer from India.“Impunity with which such instances have been committed in the recent past poses a serious threat to basic constitutional values, as the extraordinary use of force becomes normal. Such regressive practices across the region call for an urgent, collective engagement and action. The Asia Litigators Group is a step in this direction,” the lawyer said.Last month, 17 litigators from 11 countries across Asia gathered in Manila, Philippines, and agreed on a joint way forward to step up the fight against torture with impunity. The initiative was spearheaded by the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and follows the creation of two similar litigators groups in Africa and Latin America, earlier this year.“The Asia Litigators Group is made of some of the bravest human rights lawyers in the region, the lawyers who work under repressive regimes and the lawyers who fight for justice for crimes committed in past armed conflicts or dictatorships”, said Gerald Staberock, OMCT Secretary General.
from The News International - Lahore
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