Monday, May 6, 2019

Thoughtful changes

The recent development that stunned people is the removal of SBP governor and FBR chief. At a time when talks with the IMF have entered the final stage, such actions are not understandable. The problems we are facing are many -- uncontrollable inflation, wobbling and tottering forex reserves and inefficiency to increase revenues. There are so many loopholes in our tax system that the majority of people evade paying tax.It would be in the fitness of things if the PM were to go for reforms at the grassroots level after thoroughly examining all the arteries and taking preventive measures with the help of a technocrat. There is no dearth of able and efficient economists in the country. Setting higher revenue targets will only bring embarrassment at the end of the day. We must plug all the leakages in our financial system. Moving towards a flexible forex system may also prove detrimental to the economy. All the pros and cons must be considered before moving ahead. Good luck, Pakistan.Iftikhar MirzaIslamabad

from The News International - Newspost

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