Day in and day out all we hear is how prices have shot up and it is impossible for a majority of people to make both ends meet. This repetitive mantra is part of the opposition agenda to discredit the government; those who are continually crying for some reason or another and certainly by those who like to think in negative terms about any and everything. All of them highlight the fact of rising prices in all public forums – it’s as if they don’t know how to think positive, have hope for better times or pray that all goes well with this beautiful land of ours.Yes, prices of most household items have gone up like they always do in this holy month of Ramazan because profiteers have no compunction in raising them so they can earn the extra buck as they see it as their opportunity to rake in the extra amount. And yes gas and electricity have shot up but instead of moaning and groaning, we need to try and waste less of these essentials. Maybe we should follow the example of a neighbouring country which did not allow the import of luxury items till its economy was fixed.But go to the market as ‘iftari’ time draws near and see the rush at the stalls selling edible items like ‘pakoras’ and ‘samosas’ and other goodies which our fasting public thinks are essential items during these days. Men, women and children are pushing and shoving each other as if all would be lost if they did not get what they came to buy – there are even fights with bad language used to let off steam. Never mind that fasting does not only mean staying hungry and thirsty, it also means to refrain from bad thoughts and deeds.And if you don’t want to witness this bad behaviour then pick up the courage to go out after ‘iftari’ and see the mad rush at the shops selling clothes and shoes and other items that every family wants to purchase for Eid, which is still just a little over two weeks away. You will not find parking anywhere – unless of course you were an early bird and found a space. You will witness more bad behaviour and hear more unsavoury language.Wealthy political entities who make the most noise about high prices and say their hearts bleed for the poor, should stop having lavish ‘iftar’ parties and donate the amount spent on them to charity.
from The News International - Islamabad
Monday, May 20, 2019
The hullaballoo about rising prices
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