Monday, May 20, 2019

National unity ensures dignified survival

Rawalpindi and Islamabad enjoy notable status and importance for reasons known to all Pakistanis and foreigners, especially neighbouring countries. Karachi was capital of the newly-born independent and sovereign state of Pakistan.Rawalpindi became the interim capital until Islamabad was built and officially called the federal capital of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.One can say time shall never forgive us if we do not act upon the message of Almighty God by uniting on one platform and remaining disciplined.Other metropolitan cities like Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi and Lahore also have unique significance---social, economic and cultural. What is common among the people of the country is the spirit of Islam which keeps them alive to the need for protection of life and property of minorities and a fair deal to them.Islam advocates justice, equality, fair-play, toleration and even generosity to non-Muslims. They are like brothers to us as the architect of Pakistan said in the Constituent Assembly that the first duty of a government (civil or military) is to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious belief of its subjects are fully protected by the state.The concept of such unity elders are talking about these days is based on God’s Message translated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who liberated the poor from slavery and established the world’s first-ever social welfare state, providing a ray of hope to the people oppressed by centuries-old feudal and capitalist system.The prophet’s revolutionary mission attracted hundreds of thousands from far and near and they willingly embraced Islam -- the most progressive religion of the world. Pakistan’s founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah told elders of Sibbi (Balochistan) that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) whom he regarded as “great law-giver” had deeply impressed him as a great socialist, a far-sighted reformer, a successful trader, a brave soldier, a skilful general, an efficient administrator, an impartial judge, and a great statesman. Inspired by such qualities of a nation-builder, Jinnah had envisioned a welfare state.Peace and harmony are vital to achieving progress and prosperity of the country. But there are obstacles. On one side there are selfish and corrupt politicians, most owning sugar mills and fleecing the masses, not sparing even the district co-ordination officers and district police officers to meet their own ends.On the other side are extremists, terrorists and militants in the guise of religious ‘reformers’ who allegedly disturb the peace, tranquillity and harmony of all big cities at a time when the country is on the way to betterment of the common man. The government has to ask the army to tackle the aggressive elements.Many young men from tribal areas, including Mohmand Agency, explained to this scribe why and how they love Pakistan. They will defend it against any attack by the enemy; clerics like Fazlur Rehman reportedly have lust for power and money, they aren’t so dependable, they side with any ruling party backed by the US who is allegedly in league with India and Israel to isolate and enslave Pakistan. “We know masses are with the armed forces, it’s the will of Almighty God that we unite to survive honourably, God helps those who help themselves, our Ka’aba is in Macca -- not in Washington.” —

from The News International - Islamabad

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