Thursday, May 9, 2019

Your daily Horoscope for Monday, May 6, 2019

What kind of day will you have today?  Those with the sign of Taurus are in for a ride when it comes to their love life as the horoscope for today suggests you to explore your options and not settle for less and keep in mind that all the glitters is not gold. ARIES(March 21-April 19) A foreign accent sounds especially sweet today—it symbolizes a different set of experiences, and offers you a very intriguing conversation. So if you meet up with foreigners today, engage them in some small talk. This is a great opportunity to share your life, learn about their lives, and just have a nice moment of connection with people who come from a background that's totally different from yours. You're going to inspire them to form some new opinions, and they will do the same for you!TAURUS(April 20-May 20)As the song says, when it comes to a new relationship, you had better shop around! There are quite a few interesting candidates on the scene right now, but many of them are not worthy of a second look. Keep in mind that choosing a book based on its cover will probably leave you disappointed. When people have too much outer beauty, they sometimes tend to get lazy about inner beauty. Look for someone who offers more for you in both areas—inside and out.GEMINI(May 21-June 20) Hoping and wishing for something to happen in your life will not make it happen—you have to put in the work required for the joy that you want. There are many friends who share your dreams, though, so use today to find out what they think about the situation, and what they think is the best way to make things happen. Together you can all decide what the right approach will be (and who needs to make it). To keep that hope alive, you need to get a group consensus on how to do it.CANCER(June 21-July 22) When you come across a person from your past today, rely on your good memory to help you come up with a great conversation starter. In just a few moments, you'll know exactly what subject to bring up and which memories to elicit in order to inspire one heck of a conversation! Sure, you might get a few details wrong, but your memory has a funny way of playing (fun) tricks on you. This will be a lovely walk down memory lane, where you'll come upon some sweet revelations.LEO(July 23-Aug. 22) Simply by going through your normal routine today, you will encounter something new that changes how you see many things. Get ready to meet someone who will change your opinion about an issue you hold near and dear to your heart. It may turn out that you didn't have all the information you needed. This person will give it to you, but not in a preachy in-your-face way. Just by telling their story, they will show you that you were wrong before.VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Do something that intimidates you or scares you just a little bit today—get up in front of a room of people and give an impromptu speech. Sign up for that gym membership. Go shopping for a brand-new bathing suit! When you face your fears (and see for yourself that there was no reason for you to be scared in the first place), you strengthen your confidence. You'll conquer something, too—which will leave you feeling high-spirited well into the evening.LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Does it ever occur to you that your impressions of people are a little bit off the mark? Right now, you need to get a second opinion from someone you trust before you pass a verdict on someone whose actions have left you unimpressed. You're in a phase of your life where it's a bit too easy to project your fears about yourself onto other people—and that's not good. You need a third party to give you a reality check and keep you from making an incorrect assumption.SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) If you've been in the middle of some serious business negotiations for awhile, today is a very good day to sign on the dotted line. You have all the information you need, and the terms are never going to be more favorable to you than they are right now. You've been holding back your enthusiasm for a while, sort of waiting to exhale—and the tension has been tough. Luckily, now you get to totally relax and enjoy the page you are turning. You are on to bigger and better things!SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)You will be inspired by a man in your life who holds a lot of power. An increase in the masculine energy that's around you will show you how certain people can really get things done and make people listen. Pay attention, and you can pick up a few key pointers on how to influence people. You can't be afraid to ruffle a few feathers. Being polite will always earn you respect from the powers that be, but today being aggressive can also earn you points.CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your family life and your career life might seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum of your life, but there is much more overlap there than you might realize. Explore how you can kill two birds with one stone today—can you take care of work-related errands and personal errands at the same time? Someone close needs to tell you something—are you running around too much to listen? Try to connect with a loved one today; you'll have the time.AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)Your plans and ideas have advanced to an interesting state today. You're not quite ready to consider them completed, so you need to keep an eye on them. Things you thought were all done still have a few loose ends that you need to tie up. Be patient and thorough, and don't stop until you know for a fact that your future involvement is not necessary. Dropping these projects into someone else's lap could send the wrong message—people will think that you are lazy.PISCES(Feb. 19-Mar 20)When you treat a conflict like a puzzle today, you put yourself in a powerful position. Ask for the information you need to help solve this riddle, and you will be the one who stays in control. The other person or persons in this situation are not nearly as quick as you are at connecting all the dots, so don't worry that they will come to a solution before you do. It's time to step up and be more conscious about what you have to say in order to get what you want.

from The News International - MISC

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